What's On

Day Time Activity Venue Contact


(Except bank holidays)

10am to 12pm

FREE gentle seated and standing exercise class.



7:30pm to 8:45pm

Yoga (All levels, beginners welcome)

1 Session: £9

4 Consecutive sessions: £30 (You save £6!)



07977 929 221

(Or just turn up!)


(Except bank holidays)

2pm to 5pm

FREE Wellbeing Support Drop-in for young people and families (someone to talk to, a helping hand, CV writing, support accessing other services).


Walk-in, no appointment necessary.

Come and have a chat with Hannah, Hannah (Yes, there are two Hannah!), Jay or Ontonio.


(Except bank holidays)

10am to 3pm

FREE Advice on Welfare Benefits, Housing and more with a professional from Bench Outreach.

Small Office (confidential space)

Walk-in, no appointment necessary.

12pm to 2pm

FREE Digital Drop-in for those who need help with their smartphone, tablet, laptop, setting up an email account or filling in online forms.


Walk-in, no appointment necessary.

Nanssi or Damian

020 8314 4702


12pm to 2pm

FREE Inter-generational dominoes games.


Walk-in, no appointment necessary.

Last Thursday of the month

(Except bank holidays)

10am to 1pm

FREE Housing Surgery Drop-in.

This is not for repairs enquiries. All repairs are to be reported via the online portal or by calling 0800 028 2028.


Walk-in, no appointment necessary.

Janice Butterworth, Housing Officer

07783 883 747 (Call, text message or WhatsApp message)


Please provide your full name and full address in all communications.


(Except bank holidays)

11am to 12:30pm

Pepys Social Supermarket

This is the local community food-sharing membership scheme that costs £3.50 per week where you can buy approximately £25 worth of food, end of line toiletries and household essentials depending on what's available. Applicants will need to meet eligibilty criteria.


For more information, please contact us.

020 8692 2760



3rd Friday of the month

(Except August and December)

6pm to 8pm

FREE Evelyn Councillors' Surgery.

Meet with one of the three Councillors for casework, community issues, wider concerns and signpost/work towards solutions.


Walk-in, no appointment necessary.

Please click on their names below for their contact details:
Councillor Will Cooper

Councillor Hau-Yu Tam

Councillor Rudi Schmidt

Please provide your full name, full address and where possible, a contact telephone number.

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